2015 New Year’s Resolutions

In the middle of writing 2015 integrated marketing plans, I decided to take a break and share with the world some of our teams 2015 goals/resolutions for the New Year.


  • Lose weight – this is always at the top of my list every year! I’m also trying to learn to cook more (thanks Mom for the crock pot!) so that should help instead of eating out so much.
  • Read more – actual books, not Facebook and Twitter feeds.
  • Travel – even if it’s to Laughlin, I want to travel more this year.


  • Same as everyone else.. hit the gym and lose weight. Stick to it longer than a week this year…
  • Being new to Las Vegas and not knowing anyone I want to make at least 5 new friends (that I will talk to regularly) by the end of qtr one
  • Learn more about myself.. find what I like to do to make Kelley happy outside of work


  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle- making better food choices and finding activities that I love to do and stick to it!  Keep the weight off and clear the mind.
  • Balance. Balance. Balance- managing my time wisely and getting rid of everyday distractions- things that occupy time throughout the day but serve little purpose.  I might find a little more time for me 🙂
  • Knock out the clutter- that’s it!! I am throwing everything away and going to lead a “clutter-free” life!
  • Travel- yes- going to take a nice vacation this year and enjoy it!

This may be a distraction so back to work!